Sunday, February 12, 2012

All we need is love!

Unexpectedly, unbelievably fast, without any special warning, people fall in love. 
Shouldn't we have a special sign for such a thing?
 - Beware, slippery ground.  or -Dangerous terrain ahead !
Funny is how for the most important things in life we never receive a proper warning. I guess that's why they are so important. Because they come unexpectedly. 
Why am I writing this post? Actually, I am writing it for no specific reason. 
You don't have to spend hours of thinking to come to a conclusion that love is really all that we need. It creates a form of amnesia for any kind of worry. It erases all the things, big and small, that normally irritate us. 
Love is contagious. It spreads like a disease. 
Just like that you will find yourself loving and cherishing all the fleeting moments that usually pass by filled with anxiety, irritation, worries and all those negative emotions that we feel when we don't have love by our side. 
Love has a power to transform.
It will change bad into good faster than Harry Potter's wand. Seriously! It's funny how magically person starts having a different outlook on world. No therapy can do that so fast! I can bet on that one.

In my opinion *falling in love* it the only form of a free fall that keeps you floating above the ground. It's the only form of falling that includes flying. 

I believe that the pure sense of our existence is to love and be love. To find love. 
Here is one of my favorite quotes from the "Sex and the City" :

"Ridiculous, inconvenient, consuming, can't live without each other..."
If it comes in any other shape, for me - it is not love. It's the kind of insanity that inspires you so much that you never want to be normal again. 
I guess that the odds are very small that we will all get a chance to experience it. It takes faith and persistence, and above all - it takes an open heart, a will to look past the ordinary and seek for that crazy feeling that has inspired so many. 
Sometimes, extraordinary things come in disguise. They come unnoticed, they are easy to be neglected.. 
Sometimes the things we are searching for are right in front of our eyes and yet, we somehow miss them. See not with your eyes, but with your heart. With no prejudice. 

We can achieve so much...we can receive diplomas, awards, win championships, medals ... but success is nothing more than a worthless badge unless we have someone to share it with. 

Valentine's Day is approaching- so, it is high time to start believing in love if you have lost faith in it! ... although, to be honest, Valentine's Day is actually every single day for those who dare believe in love... they celebrate feelings every day. 
Every day is a good day to start loving someone.

Spread love people! ...for world is empty without it.

Everybody needs someone. And that someone is in your heart from the very beginning. All you need to do is listen...and one day- your fairy tale will come true. Just believe...


  1. Ja nisam baš ljubitelj dana zaljubljenih, to mi je onako baš... praznik koji ne treba da bude to... :)
    Ali lep tekstić, kao i svaki... jednostavniji od prethodnog :)

  2. Pa nije Anci ovaj post o Danu zaljubljenih... :))Ovaj post je o zaljubljenosti, o ljubavi...
    ja ionako na svaki "Dan zaljubljenih" slavim svetog Trifuna :) Medjutim, ako nekim ljudima zaista budi veru u ljubav, onda i treba da se obelezava ...:)

  3. Love is in the air, svakoga dana tokom godine, bez izuzetka! Divan tekst sa još boljim citatima. Ukratko si objasnila suštinu ljubavi. :)

  4. ...bas tako, svaaaaakog dana je tu .... :)) Hvala :))
    Mislim da sustina ne moze da se objasni, samo da se oseti :** <3
