Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Being a psychologist

I started my first year of high school, absolutely sure that I want to be an architect. During my second year as an exchange student in the States I was debating whether I should end up majoring Italian or English language. In my third year of high school, I started thinking it would be quite cool if I studied Astrophysics. Well, it was quite logical that in the end, I ended up in an endless mess that Psychology has to offer. :)

It is often said that there are two types of people who take a psychology major. The first one are those who study it because they want to cure the others. The second one are those who want to cure themselves. Well, either way, we choose this major for a noble purpose :)
Also, there are two types of reactions to the fact that someone studies Psychology.
The first one is usually like this: "Oh wow, that's awesome!
The other one is usually this one : "Why study that crap? You should study something serious- like medicine ...or economics, for instance!"
I remember my professor of History of Psychology saying that one way or another, no one remains indifferent to psychology. 

The truth is, in today's modern world, psychologists have taken multiple identities: 
They are psychics, they can predict the future and tell you all about yourself (most frequent questions are:  " (Now that you've known me for just a few seconds) What is it that you can tell me about myself?" )... and yes, they are telepathic as well ( "So, what am I thinking right now?"); They are doctors, they cure (they can always figure out what is wrong with you) ; They are experimenters ( ...they tie people to chairs and experiment with electroshocks) ; They are animal whisperers ( they can tell you whether your cat loves you or not ); And they are so many other things.... The point is - their role in this world adjusts to people's views on their profession. In fact, they can be everything you want them to be. :)

Funny thing though, is that the only thing psychologists can surely do all the way right is predicting that nothing is utterly predictable. :) 
We are taught that we cannot really be psychologists if we do not know statistics. It is often said that what our purpose is, is explaining the variance. Variance is actually a measure of variability. Our aim is to explain the existing variability of many different things. However, I have never heard that it has ever been registered that some variable or a set of variables can explain 100% of variance of some other variable.(Dear colleagues, please correct me if I am wrong :) ) So- to sum up- you can never explain anything completely :) 

So what is the use of psychology if it cannot explain things completely or predict with a flawless accuracy? Well, I have been studying psychology for three years now, and I am only on the doorstep of discovering so many possible uses of it. Psychology necessarily interferes all aspects of human existence - therefore it's power is very big. At least- that's what I like to think :) I like to think that our work makes a better place out of this world.... :)

I also believe that I have grown as a person by studying psychology. I believe that I have started being more open to others' experiences, that I have unleashed the potential of understanding others and subsuming their ways of thinking...

I think that it is essential to be open-minded to study psychology. If you are capable of looking in one direction only, it is guaranteed that you cannot be a psychologist (or you can be a very bad one... in my opinion, at least)

Why have I started writing about this? It is because I think that psychology has been highly underestimated, and because I have met many people who look at psychology as an inferior to other sciences. I know that I do not have an ability to change people's opinions, nor am I trying to do that by writing this... I just wanted to state that I believe that it has much more potential than people believe it has... :) And that studying it is a privilege.

I have found this cool set of reason why to date a psychologist that I needed to share here: :)

1. We always guess what you want for your birthday without asking explicitly.

2- We can read body language.

3- We can guess when when someone is lying to you (unless the other person is a pscyhologist as well)

4- You can always talk about sex with us; we are used to it.

5- Psychologists are legends, the others are just statistics.

6- Want to have a healthy family? Marry a psychologist.

7-Psychologists are good cookers; we know how to make vegetables happy.

8- It doesn't matter how much alcohol a psychologist has drunk, he/she is always sober. A psychologist knows how to adapt to the sudden modification of the social context (and the visual modification). 

9- A psychologist never argues or fights. He/she just conducts a participant or non-participant observation...

... And I guess there are many more :) ;) 

And here are some funny psychology pics for the end :) Have a laugh :) 


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