I remember being determined to write regularly. However, I stumble often on my way to keeping my own promise because no matter what I say, somehow, something more important than writing always comes up.
I had a wonderful summer, for instance.
This much needed summer was like, everything else beautiful in life- quite fleeting. Nevertheless, I remember that I really forgot to whine over how fast it is passing, or how many things I will have to wrap up once I am back home. I just let myself go with a flow. I guess that is why it was so beautiful. I was 100% me with a chance of becoming even a happier person. :)
this is how I felt this summer :) |
I bought this bookmark at the beginning of s this ummer, on which there is a quote "Growing OLD is inevitable. Growing UP is optional." That quote being my motto, I decided to find enough time to be a goof. And I did :)
So- what I realized is - we just do not have enough time to be kids. And when we do get time to be kids, we still sometimes decide to act like grown-ups. I was privileged to spend my summer vacation in Greece with a person who lets me be myself to the fullest extent- with a person who accepts me for who I am. It is difficult to find a person like that, because it seems to me that people are always burdened with what they think is right or wrong, that they can not easily accept the differences and enjoy somebody being different from them.
Remember the time when we thought everything was possible? A grown-up will make up thousands of reasons why something cannot be done. A kid will give you just as many reasons how to do it. Surely, many would now say- but the grown-up is right- He knows much more and can objectively evaluate possibilities therefore giving the right conclusion. Chances of becoming an astronaut are minimal. But the point is- a kid will believe that becoming something against the odds is possible.
As I was staring at the sea, sipping out my cold frappe and thinking about how nostalgic I am about the period when I was just a kid, I remembered my dear teacher who told me once that the only reasons we crave so much to return to the childhood is the fact that it is over and that the time is irreversible.
However, the remains of that careless period of our lives are still inside of us. We just have to be great psycho-archaeologists to find them. Unlike fossils, those remains can be revived.
We are inevitably pressured by various obligations on daily basis. We are forced to think like computers, carefully planning our steps if we want to ensure our economical stability, our financial independence. But I don't think that losing the kid you are inside is worth it.
Maybe this blog post of mine is crappy if you have been unfortunate when you were a kid. If you have been misunderstood, if you have suffered and were pressured... Adulthood was then something that you have been expecting joyously . But even if it is so, you cannot deny that the kid you were believed that things can always be better and that the happiness lies somewhere close, waiting to be reached.
That positive, crazy thinking is what we often miss. I have heard countless times that it is better to start with a pessimistic attitude, because if you fail, you will be OK- you have expected to fail afterall, right?
I keep passing these tips on how to be positive, how to wake up the kid you are inside- that creative little child who never gives up on his dreams, but the truth is that even I find myself many times hushing him up, telling him to stay quiet because this is a grown-up world.
Remember the time when we thought everything was possible? A grown-up will make up thousands of reasons why something cannot be done. A kid will give you just as many reasons how to do it. Surely, many would now say- but the grown-up is right- He knows much more and can objectively evaluate possibilities therefore giving the right conclusion. Chances of becoming an astronaut are minimal. But the point is- a kid will believe that becoming something against the odds is possible.
As I was staring at the sea, sipping out my cold frappe and thinking about how nostalgic I am about the period when I was just a kid, I remembered my dear teacher who told me once that the only reasons we crave so much to return to the childhood is the fact that it is over and that the time is irreversible.
However, the remains of that careless period of our lives are still inside of us. We just have to be great psycho-archaeologists to find them. Unlike fossils, those remains can be revived.
We are inevitably pressured by various obligations on daily basis. We are forced to think like computers, carefully planning our steps if we want to ensure our economical stability, our financial independence. But I don't think that losing the kid you are inside is worth it.
Maybe this blog post of mine is crappy if you have been unfortunate when you were a kid. If you have been misunderstood, if you have suffered and were pressured... Adulthood was then something that you have been expecting joyously . But even if it is so, you cannot deny that the kid you were believed that things can always be better and that the happiness lies somewhere close, waiting to be reached.
“Schizoid behavior is a pretty common thing in children. It's accepted, because all we adults have this unspoken agreement that children are lunatics.” - Stephen King
That positive, crazy thinking is what we often miss. I have heard countless times that it is better to start with a pessimistic attitude, because if you fail, you will be OK- you have expected to fail afterall, right?
I keep passing these tips on how to be positive, how to wake up the kid you are inside- that creative little child who never gives up on his dreams, but the truth is that even I find myself many times hushing him up, telling him to stay quiet because this is a grown-up world.
“Grown-ups never understand anything by themselves, and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explaining things to them” - Antoine de Saint-ExuperyDon't underestimate people who despite their intelligence, many virtues, admiring academical skills know how to goof off, how to burst out laughing, make fools of themselves etc. They are not like that despite that, but in Addition to that.
“Children see magic because they look for it.”- Christopher Moore
Always look for the magic, and you'll always end up seeing it. Enjoy life.